Article 36 The State shall practise the protective purchasing price system and establish risk fund for the major agricultural products such as grains relating to the national economy and the people's livelihood. 第三十六条国家对粮食等关系国计民生的重要农产品实行保护价收购制度,设立风险基金。
Purchasing Price Index of Major Raw Materials 原材料购进价格指数
Prove that the discounted cash flaw techniques is the most effective method directly most at thesame time in price estimates, because the purchasing price depends on the income ability in the future mainly. 同时说明收益法是价格估算最直接最有效的方法,因为收购价格的高低主要取决于酒店未来的收益能力。
General index of purchasing price of farm produce 农副产品收购价格总指数
Customs duties are paid on imported goods. purchasing price of products for export 对进口货物征收关税。出口商品外贸收购价格
Due Diligence Report shall include the found legal information, as suggestion on the trade framework and analysis on elements affecting purchasing price according to the investigation; 尽职调查报告应反映尽职调查中发现的实质性的法律事项,通常包括根据调查中获得的信息对交易框架提出建议及对影响购买价格的诸因素进行的分析;
The amount of processed goods of a commercial business includes the purchasing price, processing charges and taxes payable as stipulated in laws or regulations; 商品流通企业加工的商品,以商品的进货原价、加工费用和按规定应计入成本的税金,作为实际成本。
Number of service expenditure Purchasing Price Index of Major Raw Materials 服务性支出价格指数原材料购进价格指数
Land Tax ( For Villas): 3% of the purchasing price. 契税(别墅):购买成交价的3%。
Energy and waste paper purchasing price the high profits of the whole industry in both the extrusion. 能源和废纸收购价格的居高不下使整个行业的利润空间都受到了挤压。
Be responsible for negotiation of purchasing price to optimize products cost. You will be assured of high quality products at reasonable prices. 负责谈判采购价格,确保产品成本最优化。我们可以提供客户最优良的品质及合理的价格。
The state raised the purchasing price of grain by a big margin early this year to encourage grain production. 今年年初,国家大幅度提高了粮食收购价以鼓励粮食生产。
The price of the means of production in the third quarter, the purchasing price of raw materials and products for sale price index showed a trend of decline; 其中,三季度生产资料综合价格、原材料购进价格和产品销售价格指数均呈回落态势;
But block trade margins are often slim at best and, if the purchasing price is misjudged, banks vying for extra business can be left with millions of dollars in losses when the shares fall below the discount price offered at the initial auction. 然而大宗交易的利润率在最好的情况下也往往相当微薄,而如果误判收购价格,当股价跌至最初拍卖时的折扣价以下时,争夺这些额外业务的银行将不得不面对数百万美元的亏损。
Purchasing price of products for export 出口商品外贸收购价格
Catherine: You are in luck, Jerry, the insurance is covered in the purchasing price. 您很幸运,保险已经算在购买价里了。
Which Leads to the Output Fluctuation of Agricultural Products, Calamity or Purchasing Price? 农产品产量波动:灾害所致还是收购价格所致?
Farm irrigation and drainage mechanical power and grain purchasing price index have negative correlation to grain production. 农业排灌机械动力和粮食收购价格指数与粮食生产呈负相关。
Finally, this text respectively explain the resetting cost method 、 current market method and discounted cash flaw method current used in the world at present in hotel purchasing price estimate. 最后,本文分别介绍了酒店收购价格估算方法中的重置成本法、现行市价法和目前国际上通用的收益法。
Moreover, the retailer's ordering policy was studied under the influence of the above new factors when the purchasing price was quantity discount or not. 针对商品采购价有数量折扣和无数量折扣两种情况,研究了零售商如何制定订货策略。
The total power of agricultural machinery and consumption of agricultural chemical fertilizer become more and more important to grain output, however the influence of the electricity consumed in rural and general purchasing price index of grain is slight. 农业机械总动力和化肥施用量对粮食总产量的影响不断上升,农业用电量和粮食收购价格指数对粮食总产量影响较小;
Thus having a free hand in food purchasing price, market and so on can not be avoided. 全面放开粮食收购、粮食市场和粮食价格,是不以人们主观意志为转移的必然趋势。
More over, carry on evaluation and summary to the result after the implementation, get purchasing management excellent evaluation index sign is to make customer satisfaction, raise purchasing price variance, reduce purchasing materials stock. 再对实施后的结果进行评价和总结,得出实施采购管理优化评价的最重要指标是使得客户满意,提高采购价差异,降低采购物料库存。
The Company was valued by Relative Valuation Model and Cash Flow Discounting Model. With finance analysis and sensitivity analysis, the company purchasing price and range are given. 然后,通过市值法、相对比较法和自由现金流折现法对公司价值进行了分析和评估。